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مركب عرق السوس

مركب عرق السوس

مركب عرق السوس  يتميز بخصائص متعددة منها        انه مفيد لمشاكل المعدة والامعاء        الكحة و السعال المزمن الكلي         منشط عام للجسم فوائد...
Mancy Herb - slimming herbs

Mancy Herb - slimming herbs

Mansi Herb - Slimming Herbs Decrease appetite. Cellulitis. Obesity. Cholesterol. Arrest.
Spirulina algae

Spirulina algae

Spirulina algae Spirulina algae is the richest plant source. It helps reduce physical and mental stress. A natural solution to anemia and brittle hair and nails. It helps protect the...
Palm pollen - Dates Pollen

Palm pollen - Dates Pollen

Dates Pollen Palm pollen is one of the many palm bounties, and it is usually collected from male palm trees in the spring, but what do we know about palm...
Ginseng herb

Ginseng herb

Ginseng herb Benefits of ginseng powder Ginseng improves the mental state of humans. Ginseng increases blood circulation and gives the body strength, activity and vitality. It maintains heart health, protects...
Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo Biloba Benefits of Ginka herb powder · Ginka herb contains a high percentage of antioxidants, so it is useful in resisting cancerous tumors in the body. · Gingka reduces...


Seaweed Sea moss is an excellent source of micronutrients including folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, and most importantly, sea moss is a great source of iodine. Sea algae...
Breath herbs

Breath herbs

Breathing herbs It is useful in cases of shortness of breath and asthma. It treats nasal and throat allergies. It treats chronic cough and treats sinusitis Useful for colds and...
Slimming herbs

Slimming herbs

Slimming herbs Decrease appetite. Cellulitis. Obesity. Cholesterol. Arrest. Instructions : One teaspoon in a cup of lukewarm water before each meal and avoid pastries and fats during processing! Dietary supplement
Stomach herbs

Stomach herbs

Stomach herbs Treats stomach ulcers and intestinal infections. Soothes pain resulting from heartburn, stomach acidity, and acid reflux. Facilitates the digestion process. Eliminates feelings of nausea and belching. Instructions: A...
black seed powder

black seed powder

Black seed powder Increase the body's immunity. Activating the body's cells. Reducing diabetes and cholesterol in the blood. Expansion of blood vessels. Activate memory. Useful for respiratory diseases. Anti-fungal and...
Dermatological herbs

Dermatological herbs

Dermatology herbs It usually treats skin diseases. It is useful in cases of eczema, psoriasis, acne, and skin pimples. It treats vitiligo and skin redness. It treats skin allergies. Instructions...
Detox herbal antidote

Detox herbal antidote

Antidote to poison herbs Treatment of food poisoning. Purifying the body from the effects of magic. Gastrointestinal cramps.
Ras El Hanout - Ras El Hanout

Ras El Hanout - Ras El Hanout

Ras El Hanout Ras el hanout greatly regulates the movement and function of the digestive system. It gives activity and vitality to the body. Ras el hanout helps strengthen the...
Senna and Sanut

Senna and Sanut

Senna and sanut Senna and Sanut have many benefits, the most important of which are the following. Senna and Sanut help treat constipation because it is considered the best and...
Cooling herbs

Cooling herbs

Cooling herbs Treating a cold in the body with herbs is effective because it works to raise the efficiency of the immune system, which is fought by invading the body...
Rheumatic herbs

Rheumatic herbs

Rheumatism herbs Rheumatism. Joint pain. Cold joints. Swollen joints due to rheumatism. Nerve spasm. Soothes arthritis pain. Treats arthritis and bones. Relieves joint pain resulting from arthritis. Stimulates blood circulation....
Indian marine installment

Indian marine installment

Indian marine premium Indian costus has various important benefits as it possesses antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties, and enhances the health of the digestive and respiratory systems. One of the most...
Hemorrhoid herbs

Hemorrhoid herbs

Hemorrhoids herbs Treating hemorrhoids with herbs is beneficial, as plants usually contain substances that shrink hemorrhoids, and they also soothe pain and itching. Internal use of these herbs is in...
Wild Indian Installment

Wild Indian Installment

Indian marine premium Indian costus has various important benefits as it possesses antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties, and enhances the health of the digestive and respiratory systems. One of the most...
Menstrual herbs

Menstrual herbs

Herbs for menstruation Menstrual irregularity, menstrual pain, amenorrhea, hot flashes, sweating, white discharge, vaginal itching, menstruation, uterine inflammation Instructions: Add 2 tablespoons to a pint of boiling water, let it...
Costus root powder 200 gm

Costus root powder 200 gm

Indian costus root powder Indian costus has various important benefits as it possesses antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties, and enhances the health of the digestive and respiratory systems. Indian costus roots...
Free saffron 1 gram

Free saffron 1 gram

Free Moroccan saffron Free saffron and Moroccan saffron are considered popular spices and have wide international fame. They are considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. They...
Chamomile flower

Chamomile flower

$10.79 From $3.90
Benefits of chamomile flower: The chamomile flower, with its beautiful shape that resembles a small sun, is the favorite herb of mothers and grandmothers for making tea with which it...


$10.79 From $4
Licorice sticks Licorice root already featured prominently in the pharmacopoeia of the Greeks and Romans for its expectorant and softening properties. The use of this plant in food seems to...
Dried roses

Dried roses

$11.44 From $5.20
Dried roses In perfumery: the whole scent of roses, with a refreshing floral scent. After harvesting, the buds are separated from the petals and left to dry inside the stalk....