Cucumber whitening cream

Lighten the skin and get rid of pigmentation. Moisturizing the skin, treating rashes, and anti-aging. Getting rid of dark circles

Cucumber whitening cream

Cucumber contains astringent and soothing ingredients for the skin, the mineral silica, vitamin C and antioxidants, in addition to its high water content, which makes it an excellent mask in combating skin aging and wrinkles. It moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, strengthens its connective tissues, and maintains its elasticity and clarity.

Benefits of cucumber whitening cream for the face.

Getting rid of acne and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. Protects against the sun, soothes the skin and gets rid of scars. Lighten the skin and get rid of pigmentation. Moisturizing the skin, treating rashes, and anti-aging. Getting rid of dark circles and eye puffiness.

How to use cucumber whitening cream:

Cleansing acne-affected skin with a skin-friendly cleanser. Dry the skin well. Apply the cream to the skin with a light massage. The cream is used once before bed.

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