Black camphor soap

نقاء وصفاء لكامل الجسم

Black eucalyptus soap has a wonderful, creamy texture and a deep, dark color. It is ideal for detoxifying the body and preparing the skin for exfoliation in the shower. The eucalyptus plant gives its beneficial properties to the respiratory system. It is my Abia black soap made exclusively from natural plant products from the Moroccan soil. Eucalyptus essential oil purifies the skin. The eucalyptus plant is considered one of the best natural remedies for treating respiratory infections such as rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, and cough. Eucalyptus essential oil is a tremendously effective respiratory decongestant. It also helps strengthen the immune system and helps fight winter diseases better. The black soap collection is designed to retain the traditional hygienic form. Each soap is made from natural plants. Apply the black soap in a semi-thick layer by hand on damp, clean skin and leave it for ten minutes. Then scrub using a traditional kisa exfoliation glove. Rinse well. For the face, avoiding the eye area, use a makeup loofah and rinse. My Abiya Black Soap is made exclusively from natural products from Moroccan soil. Avoid the eye area, use a makeup loofah and rinse. My Abiya Black Soap is made exclusively from natural products from Moroccan soil. Avoid the eye area, use a makeup loofah and rinse. My Abiya Black Soap is made exclusively from natural products from Moroccan soil.

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