Cumin oil 30 ml - Huile de Camin

$10.27 $8.84
. Taking drops of cumin oil helps stimulate the appetite and improves the process of chewing and digestion, as it stimulates the salivary glands that secrete saliva.

Cumin oil 30 ml - Huile de Camin

Benefits of cumin oil:

Cumin oil benefits the kidneys, as it helps break up kidney stones, treats kidney pain that accompanies inflammation and deposits, and also renal colic.
Cumin oil helps treat severe headaches and relieves migraine pain, which causes unbearable pain.
Cumin oil treats bronchitis, in addition to treating colds, coughs and respiratory infections. Cumin oil works to dissolve phlegm and expel it from the bronchi.
It treats colic in children by adding two drops of cumin oil to the milk. Colic in adults is treated by adding drops of it to food.
It helps the body get rid of toxins, as it stimulates sweating and urination.
. It calms the nerves and treats nervous disorders such as: stress and anxiety.
Because it contains vitamin E, which plays a major role in protecting the skin and preventing signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles. It treats acne and prevents its appearance.
Cumin oil contributes greatly to treating baldness and reducing hair loss
Cumin oil nourishes hair follicles and roots, which helps hair grow and increase its density, strengthens hair and improves its health. It removes dandruff, moisturizes the scalp, rids it of dryness that causes itching, and improves the aesthetic appearance of the hair.
It treats infections that affect the scalp, as it contains antioxidants, which also treat skin diseases such as alopecia.

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