Sesame Oil Spray 120ml - Huile de Sesame

$19.50 $14.30
Sesame oil is of great benefit in stimulating the menstrual cycle because it contains vitamin C, which helps stimulate the heart

Sesame oil spray 120ml - Huile de Sesame

Sesame oil has a high nutritional value, so much so that it is said to be a complete food because it contains many beneficial nutritional values. It is also used as a treatment for many diseases and is widely used as a nourishment for the skin and hair. Therefore, it is considered one of the best things that women use to maintain soft skin and healthy soft hair.
It is used in cooking for its excellent smell and good flavour. It contains at least seven pain-relieving compounds. To relieve anxiety. For gum and tooth diseases. It helps reduce cholesterol and prevents arteriosclerosis.
It is used as a laxative for Jhazalhima and relieve constipation. Treating blurred vision, dizziness and headaches. Treatment for skin allergies. Calms the nerves and relieves stress. For general health, fitness, and beauty of skin and hair.
it's used as a skin protector from burning sun Shin. It is used in case of pain associated with menstruation. It has a protein composition that makes it almost a complete food. It contains a very high amount of methionine. It contains amino fats that increase memory. It contains vitamin E, which stimulates blood circulation.
It contains calcium, potassium, and phosphate.
. Sesame oil is used for heart disease and atherosclerosis, as sesame oil is of great benefit in stimulating the menstrual cycle because it contains vitamin C, which helps stimulate the heart.

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